I have heard so many quotes on having the right environment and what that does to an individual when it comes to their growth and development. But I haven’t heard a lot of things said about one’s atmosphere and how that can also affect you if not much worse than the environment itself. A few days back, I took it upon myself to look up the difference between environment and atmosphere, it appeared to me that environment mainly refers to one’s surrounding areas while atmosphere is simply the same as you saying air. Think of it like this, the environment is what or who is around you and the atmosphere is what’s in you. If you look at it this way, you will realize that you need to cultivate your atmosphere just as much if not more than you do your environment.
Ultimately what’s in you will eventually come out and when it does, it not only affects you but it also affects the people you are surrounded by. If the atmosphere is being likened to air, then the bigger question is; what are you breathing in? Or in other words What are you letting in? Because just like air, there’s inhaling and exhaling, what you are letting in is what’s coming out to make or break your environment. Could it be that you have been focusing on shaping the things and people that surround you that you forgot to take a look at what’s going on inside of you. Beware that the atmosphere you cultivate dictates the kind of environment you get to live in.
Your actual environment has a lot to do with the exterior while your atmosphere has more to do with the interior. I believe that It is possible for one to have such a great surrounding but if the air in that particular area is bad, that person is as good as dead. Therefore it’s quite easy to be in a good environment but if the atmosphere is not cultivated well, toxicity is inevitable which could result in a major disorientation of one’s life.
Don’t just long to be in a good environment, long to be in a good environment with the right atmosphere. Better yet, aim to be someone who cultivates such an atmosphere, an atmosphere that’s inviting, uplifting and liberating not only for yourself but also for those around you.